We thank all of our partners
and supporters of Yes on 3!
Our Steering Committee Organizations
Partner Organizations Endorsing YES on Question 3
Elected Officials and Community Leaders Endorsing a YES Vote on Question 3

Kate Audette, Boston NAACP
Mukiya Baker Gomez, Belnel Village Residents Association
Claire Isaacson Baker, Boston NAACP
Shirley Carrington, Retired Human Services Admin.
Louis Elisa, President, Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association
Barbara Fields, Past President, Black Educators Alliance of Massachusetts, Former Head, Office of Equity, Boston Public Schools
Ronalda Fields
Priscilla Flint, Founder, Black Economic Justice Institute; Director, Marcus Hall Civic Engagement Academy
Barbara Gibbs, Chair of the Roxbury Community Research Advisory Board
Rev. Gregory Groover, Pastor, Historic Charles Street A.M.E.Church
Jovan Lacet, Attorney, Former Candidate,12th Massachusetts Suffolk
Barry Lawton, Dorchester Community Activist, Former Candidate for 5th Suffolk
Virginia M. Morrison, Executive Director, Grove Hall NDC
Claudia Smith Reid, Former Executive Director, Roxbury Multi Service Center
Jumaada Smith, Chairperson, Boston Juneteenth Committee
Andrea Swain, Executive Director, Yawkey Club of Roxbury
Carole Copeland Thomas, Motivational speaker and Business Consultant
Min. Marvin Venay, Director Of Ministry, Morning Star Baptist Church, Senior Administrator, TechBoston